Come on in, I’m so glad you’re here.
Who am I?
I’m Debbie, a spiritual director and mother, seeking presence and connection in the chaos. Here I explore and offer gentle invitations to share a moment with your soul. I live in Glasgow with my husband and four children, and work as a community link worker. I’m a fan of books, making things, tea and trees.
What will you find here?
There are three main threads here. In a host of soul spaces I offer themed invitations to pause and savour our days with ponderings, prompting questions and practices.
In my section Between the Mystical and the Mess I write from the intersection between family, faith and authenticity and the joy, tension and paradox I find there.
In the Pocket Prayers section I offer simple practices and creative prayers to adopt and adapt for your own life.
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I post 3 times per month, all my content is available to free subscribers apart from the occasional mini-series. Paid subscribers help to support my work here and in the community.
What is Soul Space?
I love to host spaces to quiet ourselves and listen to our deeper parts. This includes my Spiritual Accompaniment work in the Christian faith space, companioning individuals as they honestly question, search for, wrestle with the Divine in their actual lives. It is my delight to create, gather and host group and retreat experiences for contemplation and connection. Part of this is also holding the space for soul deep reflections in a non-religious setting. I host Sunday Soul Sessions and Motherhood Retreats: spaces to slow down for peaceful reflection, playful creativity and warm conversation.
I love to hold space for a breadth of people and experiences, hence ‘a host of soul spaces’.
Here’s a taster of what you’ll find here:
In a host of soul spaces…
In Between the Mystical and the Mess…
And in Pocket Prayers…